I hope you had a great day yesterday.  I spent the day out on the water with my family and some members of my team.   That’s one of the best things (in my personal opinion) about being a business owner.  You get to live life on your terms and on your schedule.  

So while everyone else was out at the sandbar this past weekend, I was with my team at the Ritz Carlton with 15 of our Members answering your questions, among other things.  And while everyone else was back at their office, I was with my family and some members of my team at the sandbar which was practically deserted.

Click HERE to watch this video.
  And learn how to take advantage of a “Put Your Credit Card Away” opportunity to get some help growing your law firm and/or getting it to work for you.

Question-Set #1:

Are you living life on YOUR terms or are you living life on someone else’s terms?  If the business you started and built, and invested so much sweat-equity into doesn’t give you the freedom of choice to live life on your terms then that’s a problem…don’t you think?

Question-Set #2:

If you aren’t living life on your terms, then whose terms are you living your life on?  Who are your role models for what it looks like and what it takes to build and manage a “Successful” law firm?  How confident are you that you’d agree with that person’s definition of a “Successful” law firm?   What objective evidence do you have that the law firm owner(s) you may have taken advice from or who you may be emulating, actually have a “Successful” law firm?

Question-Set #3:

Do you think it would “make a difference” if you could speak with some law firm owners and ask them “What’s your definition of a ‘Successful’ law firm?" BEFORE you lay-out your situation and ask them for their advice?  Do you think you might be less-comfortable or more-comfortable following their advice if you could ALSO ask them, “…and based on your definition, how ‘Successful’ is your law firm today”?  If you had the opportunity to speak with some of our Members and ask them these questions and you knew they wouldn’t be the least bit offended (because we have nothing to hide)…and then they’d give you their best advice about how to improve the operations and profitability of YOUR law firm, would you take action or let this opportunity pass-you-by?

If your answer to the last question is yes! Yes! YES! then click HERE and find the post from Stephanie at the bottom of the page, with instructions on how to claim a call to speak with some of our Members.


p.s. Thank you for all the questions.  It’s really fun to see the discussion starting to build over at

As you will see I’m just about caught-up writing answers to your questions.  And yesterday we ended-up shooting a total of four more video lessons with answers to some more of your questions.  Keep ‘em coming.  I have about 3-4 more weeks I’m going to keep doing this and then we’re going to shut-down this temporary site.

p.p.s. This is one of the fun things you get to do when you get your business working for you.  You get to offer unexpected, surprise-bonuses LIKE THIS just because you can : - )

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